Professional web designer

How it all Began

Before I get to deep into talking about my services, let me talk about myself …just a little. I started off building websites 8 years ago. I bought a book on web design and took an over-priced course here in Atlanta. From there I bought a cheap, poorly performing web design program similar to FrontPage or Dreamweaver. It didn’t take me too long to realize that I should have bought FrontPage or Dreamweaver. I created some decent sites using those programs but eventually, I realized three other things: 1) They produce bad code, 2) It held back my coding skills, 3) That over-priced web design course left me with much to learn. Eventually, I went to school a received an Associates degree in Information Technology.

Professional Experience

For my first few years of building websites for clients, I learned many of the skills that are needed to be a professional web designer and developer. I am experienced with CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, JQuery and PHP (mainly for WordPress), Bootstrap, SEO, WordPress, and Photoshop. Included in my experience is years of working with customers face to face, by telephone, and by email. Of course, the most important thing I learned was to keep learning because web development is constantly evolving.